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hack your user's Favorites folder


Submitted on: 5/28/1998
By: Theo Kandiliotis  
Level: Not Given
User Rating: By 2 Users
Compatibility:VB 3.0, VB 4.0 (16-bit), VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0

Users have accessed this code 12774 times.
     This code hacks your user's Favorites folder by manually adding a shortcut to your homepage (or any web page)
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' Name: hack your user's Favorites folde
'     r
' Description:This code hacks your user'
'     s Favorites folder by manually adding a 
'     shortcut to your
homepage (or any web page)
' By: Theo Kandiliotis
' Assumes:This works for both IE and Net
'     Scape Navigator,I'm not sure about other
'     browsers.The only 
limitation is that your user must have English Windows.
'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see http://w
'     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
'     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=905&lngWId;=1'for details.'**************************************

How To hack your user's Favorites folder
The Windows operating system is based On ASCII files.You may open a file that contains Windows settings using Visual Basic's sequential access and alter it's content in the same way it is altered through Windows,the compenent that uses it will never know the difference. For every Favorite page of the Internet Explorer,there is an ASCII file With a URL extention in the Windows\Favorites directory.It looks like this:
and sometimes it may have an additional third line that changes when the link is modified.The filename of the URL file determines the name of the favorites link in the Favorites dropdown list of IE. Here's the Visual Basic code To "manually" add a favorite page to the user's archive: 
Open "C:\WINDOWS\FAVORITES\Theo's VB site.URL" For Output as #1
Write #1,"[InternetShortcut]"
Write #1,"URL=http://www.forthnet.gr/ionikh/home.htm"
Close #1
Tada! Your user just decided that your home page qualifies For his favorites archive ;) You can add this little snippet To any program that you distirbute or have posted on the web so that more and more people will come to agree that you have an outstanding home page that they should visit daily...Ofcourse I have no responsibility for anyone's actions ;)

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Other User Comments
4/21/1999 6:22:00 PM:thumper
This will fail if the favorites folder 
is not located at 
Like an NT user!  
It will also not work for Netscape for 
Navigator doesnt look into the IE 
favorites folder.  Nav creates a 
bookmark file.
this is garbage.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/4/1999 2:09:00 AM:Theo
thank you for your feedback friend.If 
you can can up with *garbage* like this 
,you too might win some prizes from 
Planet Source Code !
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5/7/1999 1:07:00 PM:Robert Mayer
Thanks for the effort Theo, but I must 
agree with "thumper" that you cannot 
depend on assumptions made about the 
path to where the Favorites shortcuts 
reside.  Even when installing Win95 or 
Win98 you can still decide to name your 
Windows directory something else.  
Also, if you use utilities such as 
TweakUI, like I do, you can choose to 
locate your Favorites folder on an 
entirely different drive than where 
your operating system is installed.
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5/27/1999 12:57:00 PM:Julius
I agree with both of you Robert and 
thumper. It will be possible to look 
for the favorites path, know if you are 
using Netscape or IE, etc...
I think 
that Theo just wrote an interesting 
piece of code: small, quick but not 
perfect. It will work for a lot of 
users. Windows is most often installed 
in the WINDOWS folder, and a lot of 
people are using IE.
Now you can 
always take his code and write a 
'heavy' procedure to detect all the 
differents settings.
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6/20/1999 12:25:00 AM:Ryan
I think it's a cool idea, but there's a 
way to find out what sort of browser 
name the user's got. I thinks you 
should use this code in an if statement 
to determine what directory the file 
goes in, by programming the different 
paths within the if statement.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/11/1999 10:44:00 PM:Abraham
I need to know how to use animation 
with VB or C , Im trying to let the 
user click on a button and they go 
somewhere else on the next screen. And 
my next question is how do you link 
forms like click a button and you go to 
the next form. thankx for your help bye
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8/1/1999 12:23:00 PM:Greg
The code wont work with everything, but 
it will work for around 50 percent of 
the users, and that enough for me. So 
thank for the code although if you can 
improve it- let me know. I make awesome 
backrounds for programs visit my site 
at http://members.xoom.com/backpaper200 
i also improved youre code a little
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/18/1999 11:54:00 AM:Toad
Hack?  This should not be allowed on 
this site...  I think this code should 
be taken down immediately...
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9/15/1999 4:37:00 AM:Daniel
hahaha, hack hey, wow you must be 
pretty elite, about a year ago i was 
tangled in the hacking scene, i finally 
broke lose, and it aint as glamorous as 
a few lines of code pal. Why "HACK" 
your own PC, its just not ethical. Plus 
the sheer act of "HACKING" your 
favourites is just plane ridiculas.Get 
a life, and some knowledge while your 
at it!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

10/1/1999 9:07:00 PM:code-munky
Just look in the registry for where the 
favs folder is. duh. 
ll folders if i remember correctly, 
very simple solution to this prob ;)
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10/18/1999 1:23:00 PM:ToM
haha i was just going to say that 
code-munky. i agree totally
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2/15/2000 9:13:41 PM:Coozzzzz
Let me see.. 100+ users rated quite 
well for this code.. 6 users dont like 
it.. jealousy is very painful isnt it? 
maybe oneday when yall avoid being 
a$$h0les you will get an award 
Well keep up the good work 
Theo dont let these few get to you 
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5/23/2000 7:05:48 PM:Austin
wow, for all these bad comments, this 
source sure did get rated well. Ian, 
you might want to check the log to see 
if there were any patterns in rating 
that might indicate a *cheat* on the 
rating system. Personal note: I don't 
think the code is bad, it points out a 
great idea. It could use some work, 
though, like suggested above.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/20/2001 7:52:31 PM:Harry
dude, it has a 5.5, last time i 
checked, 5 was the highest ya could get 
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11/15/2001 1:13:34 PM:Yello
How did this get a gold .... 
I smell 
a rat .
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10/11/2002 3:45:44 PM:GWMorris
I know it's like beating a dead horse, 
but this has got to be one of the most 
immature bunch of comments I've yet to 
read! Sure the idea is OK, but anybody 
with half a brain (and who REALLY 
programs, for goodness' sake) could not 
only figure that out pretty easily, but 
could make it work with 99.5% of their 
users. The other 0.5% would use Linux 
or Mackintrash. I for one am amazed 
that this nonsense is still on here, 
three years old! Fact is, most of us 
ARE mature enough not to do something 
like this in the first place, n'est-ce 
pas? Oh, and the one who is asking VB 
questions like this was a help line or 
something.. what's that all about? 
Besides, if you seriously don't know 
how to open a form through code, you 
don't need to be driving a VB compiler 
Cheers, kiddies..
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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