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A C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners #2


Submitted on: 10/18/2002 8:55:02 PM
By: Jared Devall 
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 38 Users
Compatibility:C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, UNIX C++

Users have accessed this article 13833 times.

(About the author)
     This is the followup tutorial to "A C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners #1". This article explains Variables!

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Well, Hello World, Again! It's been quite a while since my previous Tutorial; time for a new one!

This tutorial will assume you've read " A C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners #1" as this is #2. This tutorial will also assume you understand the concepts presented in the previous tutorial and can make use out of it. :)

*Note: I've since changed to using MS Visual C++ 6.0

- Blue denotes a keyword
- Term Dictionary still not in use. ( Links don't work. )

I'm going to cover variables in this article. So, get ready! :)

Variables are aliases for memory locations. That is, they hold some kind of data that you put inside of it. You declare a variable by choosing a data type, and choose a name or keyword to assign to the variable. There are, however, reserved KEYWORDS that you cannot use, as they are critical to C++ Programming.

A list of Data Types:
  • char - 1 byte - This represents ONE character. e.g. b
  • int - 2 or 4 bytes - This for a number. e.g. 500 or -500
  • short - 2 bytes - This is also a number, but is smaller than int.
  • long - 4 or 8 bytes - This is the largest number type.
  • bool - 1 byte - This is a boolean value. ( true or false )
Data types can change from system to system, but these are the 'normal' sizes for these types. There can be both signed, and unsigned numbers. Signed meaning the number can be negative, and unsigned meaning the lowest value the variable can have is 0.

Size   Sign   Minimum Value   Maximum Value
 1     signed  -128            127
 1   unsigned  0               255 (normal char)
 2     signed  -32768          32768 (normal short/int)
 2   unsigned  0               65535
 4     signed  -2147483548     2147483647 (normal long)
 4   unsigned  0               4294967295

Types default to signed unless you specify that it is unsigned, like so:
unsigned int

C++ is a very CASE-SENSITIVE language. What this means is that if you have 3 variables:

These variables are different. It's important to develop a consistent style of naming variables. I normally keep variables lowercase, with an uppercase specifying a new word, like so:

Now that you know what data types and variables are you can declare them. You declare them like so:
int myNumber; *Note: You must have the semi-colon at the end!
You can also define them in their declaration:
int myNumber = 2002;

Char's are done close to the same way, except when you define them you must put the letter in single quotations (  '  ). Character strings, however, must be done a different way since the char type can only hold ONE character at a time. ( Yes, that mean it can only hold one A or one B at a time! ). Strings will be discussed in a later tutorial.

A bool(ean) can only be true or false, or their counterparts: 0 and 1. Booleans are normally used in if statements and other C++ goodies.

Okay, wipe that sweat from your brow! This was a difficult and large chunk of information to swallow. Let's end this up with a small program that utilizes what was presented here.

Open up whatever program you used in the last tutorial and follow the steps on compiling I showed you before. Again, remove the numbers from the source code as they are only there to help analyze the code! Save as tutorial.cpp

1. #include
3. int main( )
4. {
5. int myNumber;
6. long myNumber2 = 5;
7. char myCharacter;
8. char myCharacter2 = 'c';
9. bool myBoolean;
10. bool myBoolean2 = true;
13. myNumber = 3678;
14. myCharacter = 'a';
15. myBoolean = false;
17. cout << "myNumber = " << myNumber << endl;
18. cout << "myNumber2 = " << myNumber2 << endl << endl;
20. cout << "myCharater = " << myCharacter << endl;
21. cout << "myCharacter2 = " << myCharacter2 << endl << endl;
23. return 0;
24. }

Okay, now, the line-by-line analysis!

Line 1: This includes the iostream.h header. This, ofcourse, is needed for cout and endl.

Line 2: This is just whitespace.

Line 3: This is the main function mentioned in the last tutorial. You will always see one of these in any C++ program.

Line 4: This is just the opening brace for the main function.

Line 5 & 6: These two lines declare one int and one long variable. myNumber2 is also defined on this line with the value 5.

Line 7 & 8: These two lines both declare a char variable. myCharacter2 also defines itself with the value c.

Line 9 & 10: These two lines both declare a bool variable. myBoolean2 also defines itself to true

Line 11 & 12: Both of these lines are cosmetics: a.k.a. whitespace.

Line 13 - 15: These lines define these variables to a specific value.

Line 16: Whitespace again!

Line 17 & 18: These lines display the variables' values to the screen, sending an 'endl' to go to the next line.

Line 19: Guess what this is! Yup, you guessed it, whitespace!

Line 20 & 21: These lines also display the variables' values to the screen, sending an 'endl' to the next line.

Line 22: ...whitespace...

Line 23: This is the return statement. This will be explained in the next tutorial, along with the mystical "function".

Line 24: This is simply the closing brace. This ends the function, and effectively ends our program. ( When main is done, our program is done! )

For ease of explanation, whitespace will not be mentioned in future tutorials. I think we all know what it is. :)

This program simply declares and defines a few simple variables. It then takes those variables with printable values and prints them to the screen with cout. Again, this program will most likely close immediately upon execution. Just open up some kind of command-line and run it from there.

This concludes "A C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners #2". As always, if anything is too complicated to understand or if I screwd up, be sure to let me know. Please let me know if you would like something explained a little more indepth, or whatever else. ( Please have it pertain to the topics discussed in this tutorial. ) I'll try to get the fixes when I can!

- Jared

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Other User Comments
10/19/2002 12:05:37 AM:Isaac.Luxford
Looks pretty good, but I didn't see a line 32. I wish I had this when I was learning C++ though. 5*
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10/19/2002 10:11:26 AM:[SpiderMan]
Perfect work! Just like the ver #1 of this tutorial, only that this one is better :) 5 globes again!
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10/19/2002 10:32:41 AM:Thorgrim
Nice tutorial :) I really hope you will continue writing !
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10/19/2002 7:10:10 PM:
Thank u now I want programs about OOP and Application project
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10/19/2002 7:20:17 PM:
Thank u Jared Devell I want to level 2 or medile level and some Application Project other time thank u
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10/22/2002 6:44:58 AM:
Thanx for your help bro!
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11/9/2002 2:38:16 AM:
I'm using these tuts of yours to learn c++ and these are great. I've given both 5 globes. Would you be able to write a tutorial on calling a routine from inside the main() routine? I was just trying to see if I could do so, but I cannot figure it out without a bit of help.
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11/14/2002 4:18:09 AM:José Pablo Ramírez Vargas
I can easily see that you put a lot of effort in doing this. It is very good. I am a VB programmer and started with C++ a few days ago. I understand most basic parts of the language now, but there are still things I don't get. For example, what's the difference between using a compiled header file, or not using one? Or what does "extern" do? Or, in general, a tutorial on preprocessor keywords. Or something about structures. What is the difference between these syntaxes? 1. struct struct-name { list-of-members }; 2. typedef struct [tag]struct-name { list-of-members } tag-modifiers; What is the tag all about? Also, a tutorial on typedef would be good. Anyway, just a few ideas for tutorials. :)
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11/16/2002 11:16:27 PM:Patabugen
thanks again! Looking forward to the next one!
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1/8/2003 11:09:55 PM:
I think it's good so far.
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1/23/2003 10:15:11 PM:
Hi there! Thanks for all these helps pages. I've been taking C++ since the 2nd quarter in school. Do you know how to write a program to convert binary number to decimal and decimal to binary? If so, can you please send it to my email? Thanks a lot! I'm using Microsoft Visual C++.
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2/5/2003 8:24:53 PM:
Can you send me a program microsoft visual C++ to me by email thanks to your tutorial,I want to try out that program so can you send it by email?
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2/6/2003 9:12:21 AM:
It would be good to mention that declaring variables usually assignes them by default. This default-value can be compiler-dependent (usually 0 for integers). Using unassigned variables is a common cause of unpredicted program behavior. I suggest outputting some variables before the first assignement, to see the defaults in this example.
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2/13/2003 2:55:32 PM:
hmm is it me or the 2 boolean variable are useless? nice job :)
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2/20/2003 9:55:57 PM:
Jared... I am having a difficult time understanding the coding for the variables. At one point myNumber is defined as an int (which I thought had only one character), but then it is defined as a four-digit number. In either case, the four digit number does not show up when I run the program. Am I missing something? Also, you described
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2/20/2003 9:57:51 PM:
Also, you set the long variable to "5", but I thought this was for 4-8 characters. Could you please help me understand?
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3/2/2003 1:15:05 PM:
ok im completely lost. i tried it your origional way as you showed and im getting these errors: "C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/bits/st l_alloc.h: At global scope: C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/bits/stl_ alloc.h:575: syntax error before `;' token C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/bits/stl_a lloc.h:575: confused by earlier errors, bailing out Execution terminated" any help?
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3/6/2003 1:30:28 AM:
Very good, better than your first one. I'm learning *beams* One problem. In line 1, you failed to mention what #include is including. I got an error and had to refer to your original tutorial. I don't mind, it was good practice for me, but others might be frusturated.
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3/22/2003 1:28:02 AM:
Great tutorial! and with a name like DEVall ;) it must be easy. 5 globes.
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4/22/2003 5:09:47 PM:
you need to write a book. i like the way you explain what your doing and why
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5/3/2003 10:53:29 PM:Sarafraz Singh Johl
Correction: Range of Signed Integers is from -32768 to 32767.
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7/18/2003 1:25:46 PM:
Ah your tutorials are awesome! I acually learning C++ =D =D =D
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8/6/2003 10:03:31 AM:
How do you compile in Visual C++? I keep getting strange errors I don't get in DEV.
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8/7/2003 5:15:34 PM:
none of the bool stuff is working for me... bool doesnt even turn blue ????????????????????????????
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8/7/2003 6:43:49 PM:
nevermind, i just needed the new version note: u forgot <iostream.h> after #include in your example
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8/17/2003 9:55:34 AM:
Man im really lost in all this. I want to make a video game and im trying to figure out how to use this c++ stuff. can u email me at blisteringbunz@hotmail.com and explain how i can use this to make a game? thx
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9/25/2003 1:06:51 AM:Jared Devall
Answers and Questions to the Tutorial & Comments! Ask and Answer: www.yuidesigns.net/~rendelven
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9/30/2003 4:00:25 PM:
I still got this odd problem... Even though the program works, it runs itself in DOS, it doesn't freeze itself but it doesn't show the text. Also, you forgot to add the "iostream.h" after the #include. But again, good job on it.
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11/12/2003 1:30:26 AM:
i guess c++ really is case sensitive im not really clear on variables but im gonna keep on
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11/17/2003 1:51:28 PM:James Dunne
Great Tutorial Jared 5 Globes, Helped me alot!
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11/18/2003 6:19:21 PM:
thanks, it helped me alot:)
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