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Submitted on: 5/22/2002 4:35:10 PM
By: Lewis Moten  
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 4 Users
Compatibility:SQL Server 7.0

Users have accessed this article 2651 times.

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     Dynamically convert a date to a user-defined format.

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MS SQL Server gives a limited range of formatting dates.  This range depends on converting data types by assigning a numbered style rather then a character representation. 


CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ] , expression [ , style ] )


CAST and CONVERT (msdn link)


Another option that SQL Server exposes is the SET DATEFORMAT property.


SET DATEFORMAT { format | @format_var }


SET DATEFORMAT (msdn link)


This format is friendlier; in that you can actually tell what format it is trying to set just by looking at it.  Valid parameters include mdy, dmy, ymd, ydm, myd, and dym. The U.S. English default is mdy.




My goal is to create a dynamic method of defining the format of a date that is common with other programs.  The code must be available within a function for use within SELECT statements.  The code must be small and quick.


Defining the format:


For this exercise, I looked at the date picker control that Microsoft offers.  Here are a few links to the MSDN library to help get you started:



OutputFormat Property

Date Time String Transformation


From these pages, and many others, I identified to most basic formats and compiled a list. 



The one-digit of the two-digit day.


The two-digit day.  A zero precedes single-digit day values.


The three-character weekday abbreviation.


The full weekday name.


The one-digit or the two-digit hour in 12-hour format.


The two-digit hour in 12-hour format.  A zero precedes single-digit values.


The one-digit or the two-digit hour in 24-hour format.


The two-digit hour in 24-hour format.  A zero precedes single-digit values.


The one-digit or the two-digit minute.


The two-digit minute.  A zero precedes single-digit values.


The one-digit or the two-digit month number.


The two-digit month number.  A zero precedes single-digit values.


The three-character month abbreviation.


The full month name.


The one-letter A.M. and P.M. Abbreviation (That is, “AM” is displayed as “A”)


The two-letter A.M. and P.M. abbreviation (that is, “AM” is displayed as “AM”)


The year is displayed as the last two digits, but with no leading zero for any year that is less than 10.


The last two digits for the year.  For example, 1998 would be displayed as “98”


The full year.  For example, 1998 would be displayed as “1998”.


I found it hard to work with some of the formats because most installations of SQL Server to not recognize case-sensitivity. In this case, I simply added more letters.  For example, a 12-hour format would be a lower-case “H”, where as a 24 hour format would be an upper case “H”.  For the 24-hour representation, I added more “H” characters.


Retrieving Values:


The next problem I tackled was populating the values with the date provided.  I would populate the day, the hour, the year, and so on.  I was ignoring what the format wanted to be passed back.  Most values were obtained by using the DATEPART function.  Rather then storing the values as numbers, I “Casted” them as VarChars.  This allowed me to continue playing with them as strings and to use them in string related functions.  One of the tricks I used most was the RIGHT function to get two-digit numbers preceded with zeros.


            SET @d = CAST(DATEPART(d, @Date) AS VARCHAR(2))

            SET @dd = RIGHT('0' + @d, 2)


Another function I used was the DATENAME to grab the name of the month.  For abbreviations of the month, I selected the LEFT 3 characters.


            SET @MMMM = DATENAME(m, @Date)

            SET @MMM = LEFT(@MMMM, 3)


Preparing the Format:


The format string has the ability to contain other characters then the name of the month, hour, day, etc.  For example, you may want to format the time as “HH:NN” with a colon in between.  To support this, I replace each recognized format with a temporary place holder.


            SET @Format = REPLACE(@Format, 'dddd', '\\\\1\\\\')

            SET @Format = REPLACE(@Format, 'ddd', '\\\\2\\\\')

            SET @Format = REPLACE(@Format, 'dd', '\\\\3\\\\')

            SET @Format = REPLACE(@Format, 'd', '\\\\4\\\\')


I began with the largest repetitive characters first, and worked my way down.  The reason these place holders are needed is due to the fact that some months, may contain recognized formats.  Take the month of “May” for example.  The letter “M” is recognized to be a format for a single and two-digit number of the month.  If I were to replace the “mmmm” format first, and then apply the “m” format -- I would end up with “5ay”.


Applying the Format:


Applying was much quicker and appeared like so:


            SET @Format = REPLACE(@Format, '\\\\1\\\\', @dddd)

            SET @Format = REPLACE(@Format, '\\\\2\\\\', @ddd)

            SET @Format = REPLACE(@Format, '\\\\3\\\\', @dd)

            SET @Format = REPLACE(@Format, '\\\\4\\\\', @d)


I simply reversed the process and replace the placement markers with the values I retrieved earlier.


In the end, all that was left to do was return the format passed –




Next, I created a test to see if it would work


            PRINT dbo.FormatDate(GETDATE(), ‘MM/DD/YY HH:NN TT’)


And the result …


            05/22/2002 07:15 PM


This sums up my adventure with T-SQL programming.  If you find this information useful, please let others know.  Personal information about myself can be found on my personal website at http://www.lewismoten.com


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Other User Comments
5/23/2002 4:14:11 PM:sdinning
very clever use of "replace" function to return desired date format
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7/17/2002 12:27:56 PM:Rick Toner
OUTSTANDING!!! This is exactly what I was looking for. This will save me a lot of time in the future on trying to format my Dates.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/17/2002 1:16:11 PM:Lewis Moten
Glad I could help. Personally - I was getting sick and tired of the inconvienient options provided to format dates.
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