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How to rename a SQL user login


Submitted on: 2/15/2002 7:40:41 AM
By: James Travis  
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 3 Users
Compatibility:SQL Server 7.0, Other

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(About the author)
     To demonstrate how to effectively rename SQL user account without dropping and recreating them. The following method and information is primamrily for educational purpose only.

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You can effectively rename a user account but as this is messing with the system tables I would suggest dropping and adding the user back. But for those of you who really want to know how here it is.

First off I tested this and it works fine renaming a user.

However this is directly modifying the system tables and setting the configuration to do this.

I make no guarantees that you could not possible cause yourself an issue.

And if you do make these kinds of changes they are yours to deal with if failure occurrs.

I did find out that you can do this while the user is logged in. They just will have to use the new login name after they logout and come back. Also you will need to be a member of the server admin role to run this.

Thru testing the following results occurr:
In the case of objects owned by a renamed user. The owner name changes automatically. If any of the owned objects specify an owned object (in the format Owner.Object) and the Owner is the one that was renamed these will have to be rebuilt/altered with the correct owner replacements. Otherwise views, procedures, and tables roll over fine. Triggers fell into the category of Owner.Object being reference internal and had to be altered.

Ex. usp_RenameLogin 'Test', 'TestLogin'

---Code should be put in master database ---


@CurrentLogin sysname,
@NewLogin sysname



--Configure server to allow ad hoc updat -- es to system tables

EXEC master.dbo.sp_configure 'allow updates', '1'

--Update user login name in master db
-- >
SET @SQLState = 'UPDATE master.dbo.sysxlogins SET [name] = ''' + @NewLogin + ''' WHERE [name] = ''' + @CurrentLogin + ''''
EXEC (@SQLState)

--Update user login name in each db wher -- e has access as in in sysusers table
SET @SQLState = 'EXEC master.dbo.sp_MSForEachDB ''UPDATE ?.dbo.sysusers SET [name] = ''''' + @NewLogin + ''''' where [name] = ''''' + @CurrentLogin + ''''''''
EXEC (@SQLState)

--Configure server to disallow ad hoc
-- >--updates to system tables

EXEC master.dbo.sp_configure 'allow updates', '0'

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