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Creating a Cellphone Game/Application


Submitted on: 7/22/2002 11:19:39 AM
By: R. Kistner  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 10 Users
Compatibility:Java (JDK 1.2)

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     Learn how to create a game or application for your cellphone.

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Creating a Game or Application for your Cellphone

by Ralf Kistner

To create a game or application for your cellphone, you need the following:
  1. Jdk1.3 or higher
  2. J2ME Wireless Toolkit
  3. Any java or text editor
  4. A java-compatible cellphone (optional)

Creating a basic application that displays a string

Step 1: In J2ME Wireless Toolkit, create a new project. Give the project any name you want. Make the class name 'Main'. In the next screen, the only thing you need to change is the icon under the MIDlets tab. If you don't have a .png (Portable Network Graphics) icon, clear the icon field.

Step 2: Create [J2ME home dir]\apps\[project name]\src\main.java and place the following code in it:

import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas;

public class Main extends MIDlet {
 private Canvas display;

 public Main () {
  display = new Display ();

 public void startApp () {
  Display.getDisplay (this).setCurrent (display);

 public void destroyApp (boolean b) { }
 public void pauseApp () { }

Step 3: Create [J2ME home dir]\apps\[project name]\src\Picture.java and place the following code in it:

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class Display extends Canvas {
 Image img = Image.createImage (getWidth (), getHeight ());
 Graphics graphics = img.getGraphics ();

 public Display () {
  graphics.drawString ("Just a String", 0, 0, 0); //String,x,y,anchor

 protected void paint (Graphics g) {
  g.drawImage (img, 0, 0, 0); //Image,x,y,anchor

Step 4: In J2ME, build the project. If it doesn't give any errors, you can choose the device and run it. A frame with a cellphone in it should pop up. Click on the button under launch and you should see "Just a String".

Congratulations! You have just made your 1st cellphone application!

Step 5: To put it on your cellphone, you'll have to create a package (Project->Package->Create Package). See your cellphone's manual for futher instructions on how to put it on your cellphone.

In a later tutorial i'll explain how to use Forms. For further information, see J2ME's documentation.

If you read this tutorial, please support it by voting. It takes less than a minute of your time.

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Other User Comments
7/23/2002 7:22:41 AM:ElChico
I wanted to do something like this. Now I only need to get a cell phone that will support Java and Capunnn.
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7/23/2002 10:16:34 AM:Jose M Serrano
Excellent, now I will be able to learn wireless applications. Thanks for sharing it. 5 beans
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7/31/2002 3:47:02 PM:Rafal Krolik
This is excellent tip. Any idea off the top which phones support Java?
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8/21/2002 11:27:50 AM:Tim McNally
In step 3, shouldn't Picture.java be named Display.java?
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9/6/2002 7:54:23 AM:
The new Nextel phones support Java.
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9/12/2002 3:16:14 PM:R Kistner
Sorry, it should be Display.java, not Picture.java.
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