Perl Language World

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For all you masochists, here is a list of all the code in the Planet Source Code database for this world, all 64,382 lines of it!!! This will querry your local DNS server and collect a list of all Domain Controllers that are in your domain.
Random Char(password) creation This code generates a number of random alpha numeric charactors, can be used for random passwords
Simple RPG V1.02 To have fun. You have a player wander through a maze fight monster, collect items, gain experience and go up levels.
Calendar with Holidays This script will display a monthly calendar with the holidays displayed in the day that they fall on. The script will by default display the current month and day, but your can navigate through the months going back and forth and even advance years and so on. I also added a previous script I had posted here on to calculate the date that easter falls on.
Perl Counter and IP Log This code counts the number of hits your website recieves and then logs their ip address to a file. It also shows how many times each ip address has visited your site. You will need to create a "visits.txt" and "iplog.txt" to store the information in. The script also prints out the number of hits the website has gotten to the webiste in text form.
PMTR The purpose of this script is to monitor a specific TCP ports availability and to automatically restart the listening process should a connection attempt to that port fail.
Random Text Inserts This code reads a text file then displays a random text message.
Poeb - IRC Fully functional IRC bot.
how2.txt This is the documentation for "see_it2.cgi" which allows simple file uploading from clients to server!
see_it2.cgi You create a simple HTML form and you want to allow file uploading to your server, but how do you do it? Don't re-invent the wheel, using this program you'll be up and running with file uploads in no time!
Calculating Easter Ever wondered how to Calculate the date of easter? Well here's a simple Perl script that will just do that. It shows how to get the date of Easter for the current year and for the next 25 Years in the Future.
Number Speller This is a simple script that will spell out numbers from 0 - 10,000. There are many ways to do a script like this, and this is just one way. Its not the best way, but it works.
CalcDayNumber Perl is able to track the seconds since Jan 1, 1970 - so calculating the DayNumber from the seconds is real easy: Seconds / secondsPerDay. But what if you don't start with the seconds. What if what you have is a Date. How do you know what day it is? CalDayNumber() will tell you.
Create Table/MS Access/ADO This is a simple script that will create a new table in a Access Database. This is to show how to connect to an Access Database thru Perl by using DBI and the ADO driver. You can also connect by using ODBC, by replacing where you ADO. dbi:ADO:$DSN
Whois Look-up Script This is a simple script that will query the whois server and display the results of the query.
DSN-Less Connection to Access This is a sample script that shows how to Connect to an Microsoft Access Database, with a DSN-Less connection string. The script uses DBI::ODBC module and was tested on Active Perl 5.8. The script is also easily changable to use a DSN connection, just as long as you have one set up and spelled correctly.
List all Available DBI Drivers and Data Sources This is just a simple script to display all the available DBI drivers you have available along with all the data sources for each. Take a look at the Screen Shot to see what the output looks like. I tested this script out with Active Perl on a Win2K Server.
Random Image Display This is just a simple Perl Script that will display a random image from a directory that contains Images. This can be use to display banners or whatever you would like it to do. Just a very simple script, no need to vote on this one.
Web Counter (Supports Unlimited Pages!) - Perl Module An Unlimited Counter For A Website! All In Under 100 Lines! !!!PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!!! ADD THIS CODE TO A FILE CALLED:

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